laglacebeauty - 男士 - 骨膠原水氧補濕活膚面膜 / 5 片裝 L600644 / laglacebeauty - Homme - Interieur Charger Facial Mask / 5 sheet mask



L600644 男士 - 骨膠原水氧補濕活膚面膜 / 5 片裝 專為男士而設,含多種特效補濕成份,促進氨基酸動能,改善暗乾涸的膚,為皮膚提供保濕及持久的滋潤,為肌膚提供製造緊緻潤澤所須的能量,皮膚變得更柔滑,使容貌更有氣色。 適合膚質 : 任何皮膚 產品成份 海洋膠原蛋白、透明質酸、洋甘菊精華、胺基酸、銀杏精華、深海海藻精華。 使用方法 每星期用1-2次。於潔面後,將面膜紙貼於面上約10-15分鐘後,以清水洗淨。 注意 避免本產品直接觸及眼睛及置於兒童觸及不到的地方, 外用忌食,請置放於陰涼處。 面膜開封後,祇可使用一次。 如發覺對皮膚有任何不適及敏感,請立即停止使用。 溫馨提示 請正確認識護膚品成效,護膚品不能替代藥品,不能治療皮膚病等疾病。關於產品使用成效, 由於個人膚質等多種因素影響,產品的成效亦因人而異,每人的使用體驗亦不同,故不能確保 每位消費者能達到一樣的成效。 L600644 Homme - Interieur Charger Facial Mask / 5 sheet mask This mask works all night long to rechargeskin and help boost its protective barrier. The various active ingredients and plant extracts increases cellular energy and activity, Skinis perfectly quenched, revitalized and feels ultra-fresh for hours. suitable for : all skin type Ingredients Marine Collagen ,Hyaluronic Acid,Chamomile, Sodium L Pyrrolidonecarboxylate Solution, Ginkgo Biloba, Bladderwrack Extract. Directions Apply once or twice per week to thethoroughly cleansed face, Leave the mask on for 10 to 15 minutes and thenrinse off with water. Caution Avoid contact with eyes; keep out the reachof children. Do not reuse mask. For external use only,if allergy occurs, stop using it immediately. Store it in a cool place. Gentle Reminder Just remind to understand skin care products effectiveness. They cannot replace medicines to treat skin diseases and other diseases. Regarding the effectiveness of the product may varies from person to person, Due to various factors such as personal skin quality and the experience of each person is different, so it cannot be guaranteed every consumer can achieve the same result.

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